The Blue Lagoon | Rotten Tomatoes (2024)

12% Tomatometer 26 Reviews 53% Popcornmeter 50,000+ Ratings

Seven-year-old cousins Emmeline (Elva Josephson) and Richard (Glenn Kohan) survive a shipwreck and find themselves marooned on a beautiful island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Under the tutelage of a fellow castaway, Paddy Button (Leo McKern), the two learn the basics of survival. When Paddy dies, however, the now adolescent Emmeline (Brooke Shields) and Richard (Christopher Atkins) are on their own to discover sex, love and loneliness in a tropical paradise.

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The Blue Lagoon

The Blue Lagoon

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Critics Consensus

A piece of lovely dreck, The Blue Lagoon is a naughty fantasy that's also too chaste to be truly entertaining.

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The Blue Lagoon | Rotten Tomatoes (1) Michael Blowen Boston Globe The Blue Lagoon is closer to Robinson Crusoe Goes Club Med than to its original source. It's a fantasy island conceived at poolside in Beverly Hills and executed by tourists to the Fiji Islands. Shallow water, indeed. Apr 28, 2018 Full Review The Blue Lagoon | Rotten Tomatoes (2) Judith Martin Washington Post There have come to be certain conventions of the genre, and it's an annoyance that The Blue Lagoon keeps violating them. Feb 6, 2018 Full Review The Blue Lagoon | Rotten Tomatoes (3) Gary Arnold Washington Post "The Blue Lagoon" is a plump sitting duck, waiting to be roasted by sarcastic spectators. Oct 17, 2017 Full Review The Blue Lagoon | Rotten Tomatoes (4) Larry Wegner OUT FRONT Magazine (Denver) The Blue Lagoon is a lovely story, but even more, it's a story about love. May 8, 2023 Full Review The Blue Lagoon | Rotten Tomatoes (5) Ginger Varney L.A. Weekly Yes, the cinematography by Nestor Alamendros leaves you breathless, but the content makes your kids the same old stupid. Jan 4, 2021 Full Review The Blue Lagoon | Rotten Tomatoes (6) Mike Massie Gone With The Twins There's a goofiness surrounding the whole ordeal, primarily due to the scripting and acting; the dialogue is mediocre and the performances aren't terribly convincing. Rated: 5/10 Aug 31, 2020 Full Review Read all reviews

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Thalys R O filme não tem uma produção muito boa e um roteiro não muito bem encaixado. O filme deixa muitas dúvidas sobre o enredo fazendo com que o telespectador não entenda muito bem algumas partes, mesmo que não altere muito no filme. Comparado à época, percebe-se que naquele tempo a atuação, imagem e dublagem do filme estavam perfeitas. No entanto, comparado com esses mesmos parâmetros, a produção deixa a desejar. A nota que eu dou para esse é filme é com base nos parâmetros da época Rated 3/5 Stars • Rated 3 out of 5 stars 05/16/24 Full Review Blu B Even when you get past the crazy amount of child nudity, softcore porn, and incest in this it's incredibly boring. And what's worse is how misleading the first 20-30 minutes as you hink your in for a cool survival story among two children which is pretty cool and it works well and moves at quite a brisk pace setting itself up. The problems begin immediately after Paddy dies and it becomes a completely different film. It becomes a weird hyrbid of teen romance and softcore exploitation that is shot nice in an amazing setting and boy does this get WEIRD and uncomfortable at points. The pacing in this horrifcally bad and dissappointing as things just tank off a slow cliff. The editing, cinematography, acting all take a nosedive and become subpar overall. Neither of the two kids are that great of actors, don't have that compelling of characters, and Richard becomes a jerk at certain points. It feels like stuff just happens and we really don't focus at all on them suriving and becomes entirely about incest romance which yes is innocent but is just very creepy and takes up the entire focus. This is a gorgous film to look at, the setting is amazing, lush with colors, and plenty of underwater shots are shot almost like dream sequences, it's all very classy in how it's presented but there is no substance to it and a very trashy subject matter ruins a lot of the enjoyment. Heck we never even get to see them encounter the native people. So that subplot goes nowhere. It really feels like most of the film after that is entirely pointless and is just an excuse to see some underage incest action. MAYBE if it wasn't the entire focus of the film and had more survival elements it would work better but as it is it's weird, it's pointless, and boring more than anything. Skip This. Rated 2/5 Stars • Rated 2 out of 5 stars 03/07/24 Full Review The one who r Iskreno imam ironicnu volju za film, ali to ne sklanja cinjenicu da je Blue Lagoon jako glup film, ne bi te krivio da si zaspao kada su ovi likovi pricali, zato sto je dialog ovog filma tako čudan i glumci su bezdušni.Zaboravio sam imena od svih likova osim nekog papagaja koji se zove Koko? I ovaj film ima veoma velike podsetnike da su produceri rasisti, kao kad je taj bugimen koji je ja mislim ubio onog djeda koji se brinuo o glavnim likovima samo rasisticki prikaz africkog plemena koji ubija neku osobu za boga koji je samo statua koji nema veze sa filmom i film bi bio potpuno isti bez njega??? I glavni lik dijetetu pokazuje kako je on Bugimen (crnci) tako sto se pokrije blatom?????? Zasto su propustili svaki brod na koji su naisli? Zasto je glavna likusa samo pustila da ode???????? Zapeli su na ostrvu kad su imali 7 godina znaju kakav je spoljasni svijet i da je bolji nego da budu na ostrvu??? Kako je nastala vatra na brodu??? Zasto se ponasaju kao da se nista nije dogodilo??? Njihov tata bi mozda bio mrtav??? Da imam sedam godina ja bi crko od panike i bio tuzan ostatak zivota???? KAKO SU PREZIVELI NA OSTRVU SA SEDAM GODINA, NISU ZNALI NAPRAVITI VATRU, NACI HRANU, NAPRAVITI JEBENU VILU OD 50000$ NE MOGU DA VJERUNFHEIEJDHEKSJH? ZASTO SU POKUSALI DA NAPRAVE STVAR O PUBERTETU KAO MENSTRUACIJA I MASTURBACIJA I POTPUNO BACILI TU TEMU U SMECE!???? ZASTO IMA INCEST GDIJE SE BRAT I SESTRA SA PLAVOM KOSOM IMAJU BEBU SA BIJELOM?????? OVAJ FILM PRAVI NEMOGUCE PREPOSTAVKE DA BI FILM KOJI JE NAPRAVLJEN PRVO U 1940IMA MOZE DA RADI SA SVOJOM LOSE GRADJENOM PRICOM, PADDIJU ISPADAJU NEKE SLJIVE IZ TIJELA KADA UMRE???I PRVA REAKCIJA DRUGOG GLAVNOG LIKA KADA GA VIDI JE "a mozemo negdije drugdije?"???? ZASTO SU BANANE ZRELE SVAKI PUT???? ZASTO OTROVNE BOBICE SU MOGLE BITI POTPUNO BACENE IZ FILMA I BIO BI POTPUNO ISTI???? SUSRET SA AJKULOM TAKODJE NIJE ZNACIO NISTA????? ZASTO CALE OD DVA GLAVNA LIKE IZGLEDA KAO AJNSTAJN????????????? Mislim da je ovaj film potpuno skrenuo sa knjige koje je bazirano da kaze neku tamo fantaziju gdije imas sex na ostrvu, e da kad smo vec kod toga, zasto su svi GOLI??????????????????? Ali da zavrsim na necemu pozitivnom, ako isključimo mozak moze biti poprilicno smiješno Rated 2.5/5 Stars • Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars 07/04/23 Full Review Milan B Film je jako dobro urađen i hteo bih da pohvalim sve glumce režisera na ovom starijem ali vrlo originalnom filmu , sa obzirom da je izašao 1980. godine film je savršen dajem mu ocenu 4,5 od 5. Rated 4.5/5 Stars • Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars 07/04/23 Full Review Michael W This romance movie was pretty good. Brooke Shields, Christopher Atkins, WIlliam Daniels, and the rest of the cast did a pretty good job in this movie. The story of the movie was dramatic and seductive. It's about finding love on an island and making it your home. If you haven't seen this movie, you may enjoy it. It's a great movie for couples. Rated 3/5 Stars • Rated 3 out of 5 stars 06/06/23 Full Review Jelisije J An underrated coming of age story. Rated 3.5/5 Stars • Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 04/26/23 Full Review Read all reviews

The Blue Lagoon

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Cast & Crew

Randal Kleiser Director Brooke Shields Emmeline Christopher Atkins Richard Leo McKern Paddy Button William Daniels Arthur Lestrange Elva Josephson Young Emmeline
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The Blue Lagoon

The Blue Lagoon: Official Clip - Trouble The Blue Lagoon: Official Clip - Trouble 2:13 The Blue Lagoon: Official Clip - Lovers The Blue Lagoon: Official Clip - Lovers 2:09 The Blue Lagoon: Official Clip - Saved The Blue Lagoon: Official Clip - Saved 2:26 The Blue Lagoon: Official Clip - Sticky Kiss The Blue Lagoon: Official Clip - Sticky Kiss 2:05 The Blue Lagoon: Official Clip - Hootchie Cootchie The Blue Lagoon: Official Clip - Hootchie Cootchie 2:10 The Blue Lagoon: Official Clip - Funny Thoughts The Blue Lagoon: Official Clip - Funny Thoughts 2:13 The Blue Lagoon: Official Clip - You're Bleeding! The Blue Lagoon: Official Clip - You're Bleeding! 1:43 The Blue Lagoon: Official Clip - Not in the Mood The Blue Lagoon: Official Clip - Not in the Mood 2:08 View more videos

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The Blue Lagoon

The Blue Lagoon (1980) The Blue Lagoon (1980) The Blue Lagoon (1980) The Blue Lagoon (1980) A scene from the film "The Blue Lagoon." A scene from the film "The Blue Lagoon." A scene from the film "The Blue Lagoon." A scene from the film "The Blue Lagoon." A scene from the film "The Blue Lagoon." A scene from the film "The Blue Lagoon." View more photos

Synopsis Seven-year-old cousins Emmeline (Elva Josephson) and Richard (Glenn Kohan) survive a shipwreck and find themselves marooned on a beautiful island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Under the tutelage of a fellow castaway, Paddy Button (Leo McKern), the two learn the basics of survival. When Paddy dies, however, the now adolescent Emmeline (Brooke Shields) and Richard (Christopher Atkins) are on their own to discover sex, love and loneliness in a tropical paradise.

Randal Kleiser

Randal Kleiser

Douglas Day Stewart, Henry DeVere Stacpoole

Columbia Pictures

Production Co
Columbia Pictures


Romance, Drama, Adventure

Original Language

Release Date (Theaters)
Jul 4, 1980, Wide

Release Date (Streaming)
Sep 14, 2010

1h 44m

Sound Mix
Dolby Stereo, Dolby A

Aspect Ratio
Flat (1.85:1)
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The Blue Lagoon | Rotten Tomatoes (2024)


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Views: 5951

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.